Latest FROM SARAH...
sarah's career advice and hot tips3 Quick Ways to Supercharge Your Job Search
You know what makes job hunting exponentially more difficult? When you are struggling with stress...
What You Can IGNORE In Your Job Search
This may sound harsh - but please know that it is coming from a place of truly wanting to help you...
Wednesday Wisdom: Why Clicking Apply on Job Boards Won’t Get You a Job
“I’ve been applying to 100s of jobs, and I still haven’t gotten an interview!” It’s so...
Graduating With No Job In Sight -2024
It's that time of year again... The time of year when college seniors who haven't found jobs yet...
Can You Give Us 3 References?
"Can you give us 3 references?" A client recently reached out to me in a panic. She'd wrapped up...
Fear is a Liar
Helping my clients overcome fear in their job search is one of the most important things I do. It...
Need some extra help and want to chat?
Can I quit my job before I’ve found a new one?
I believe there IS a time to walk away, even without another offer in hand.
So, how do you know if it’s time to quit your job? Here are a few questions to ask yourself that can help you answer the question – looking at the job itself, and then how the work may be impacting your life.
Is that really true?
I just got off the phone with a family member who is dear to me. I had called her in response to a...
Don’t assume you’ve got great references
If you are like most folks you’ve been using the same people as your references for a while. At...
Why is resigning so emotional?
Resigning can cause all sorts of feelings of dread and fear. It’s understandable because when we...
We’re Hiring!
Avarah Careers is seeking a social media/content creator intern to join our team! The intern will...
A Bright Spot for People Looking to Change Employers
A few weeks ago, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took a stance for the average worker. It...
Career Tips and Discussion with Legal Minds
Check out my recent conversation with Mike H. Bassett of the Legal Grounds | Conversations on...
TEDx Featuring Sarah Baker Andrus
In the last five years, I've had the honor of delivering 2 separate TEDx talks. You may access...
A special opportunity to troubleshoot your job search
With the holidays in a few weeks, and the new year around the corner, many of us are taking stock....
Being Seen
There’s a trend in the HR space that employers should invite their workers to “bring your whole...
See The Good
Please join me at Immersion - a free, online meditation retreat hosted by Unified Mindfulness this...
Is there a college student in your life?
Do you have a college student going to school right now? With spring around the corner and summer...