by Sarah Andrus | Jul 24, 2024 | Career Advice, Career Coach, Job Hunting, Job Research, Job Search, Networking |
You know what makes job hunting exponentially more difficult? When you are struggling with stress from overwork, and/or a toxic work environment in your current role. You know you should be networking and applying for jobs, but when you finally have a free moment,...
by Sarah Andrus | Jun 12, 2024 | Career Advice, Career Coach, Job Hunting, Job Research, Job Search, Networking |
This may sound harsh – but please know that it is coming from a place of truly wanting to help you land a great job. If you are finding fault with yourself – I’m too old, too young, too experienced, too inexperienced, I’m in the wrong industry, I don’t...
by Sarah Andrus | Jun 6, 2024 | Career Advice, Career Coach, Job Hunting, Job Research, Job Search, Networking |
“I’ve been applying to 100s of jobs, and I still haven’t gotten an interview!” It’s so frustrating! And, if you’ve been assuming that you’re the problem, or your resume is the problem, or your skills are the problem, I’ve got good news. That’s not it. The truth can...
by Sarah Andrus | May 15, 2024 | Career Advice, Career Coach, Job Hunting, Job Research, Job Search, Networking |
It’s that time of year again… The time of year when college seniors who haven’t found jobs yet are pretending everything is fine when it’s not. The time of year when parents are parsing their words while trying to influence, cajole, and nudge...
by Sarah Andrus | Dec 25, 2022 | Career, Career Advice, Career Coach, Career Counseling, Change, Interviews, Job Hunting, Job Research, Job Search, Networking, Resumes, Success |
In the last five years, I’ve had the honor of delivering 2 separate TEDx talks. You may access them both here: For a Great Career, Be a Rebel! The Job Hunt is Dead Both provide valuable tips and career advice whether you are a current college student, recent...
by Sarah Andrus | Sep 29, 2022 | Career Advice, Career Coach, Career Counseling, Networking, Resilience, Success |
There’s a trend in the HR space that employers should invite their workers to “bring your whole self” to work. Yet, this Sunday’s New York Times had an op-ed titled, Do Not Bring Your “Whole Self” to Work. And, I just finished listening to a podcast where the host...