by Sarah Andrus | Nov 20, 2020 | Career, Change, Job Search, Resilience |
Today I’m sharing an updated version of a message I wrote several years ago before Thanksgiving. It feels even more relevant today… **************** With Thanksgiving coming up, we’re reminded to be grateful and count our blessings. I journal daily, and decided a few...
by Sarah Andrus | Sep 9, 2020 | Career, Professionalism, Resilience, Success |
In recent weeks I’ve really been enjoying the nature that is right outside my door. One thing that’s striking is the emergence of new creatures, and their impact on the environment. This includes two beavers who have taken up residence in one of our local ponds. I...
by Sarah Andrus | Sep 4, 2020 | Career Advice, Change, Job Hunting, Job Search, Resilience |
I don’t even know what day it is. The pandemic has made every day seem like the last for me. So, when I looked at the calendar and saw Labor Day on September 7th – I was surprised! I thought, “that seems late…” Turns out that because Labor Day is always the...
by Sarah Andrus | Feb 22, 2020 | Career, Career Advice, Career Coach, Career Counseling, Change, Job Hunting, Job Search, Resilience |
My youngest has been out of college for about two years and after a few false starts he found a good fit. Still, he’s working on those early patterns we build as adults – schedules, fitting in social activities around work, etc. He called the other day and said,...
by Sarah Andrus | Sep 15, 2019 | Career, Career Advice, Career Coach, Career Counseling, Change, Fear, Resilience, Success |
How does s/he do it? I have heard that so often about people who seem to be doing it “all.” At least to us mere mortals, often what we see others achieving seems impossible. It’s been interesting that recently I’ve heard people say this to me, “Wow, that’s a lot! I...
by Sarah Andrus | Nov 16, 2018 | Blog, Resilience |
With Thanksgiving coming up, we’re reminded to be grateful and count our blessings. I journal daily, and decided a few days ago that it was a good time to list everything in my life that is good. My joys, my loves, my physical and mental health, a great community, and...