How do you measure a year? Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes…If those words are familiar than you are likely a fan of “Rent,” the Tony award-winning Broadway musical about a group of poor and struggling young artists trying to survive and create a life in New York City’s East Village.

A year. 525,600 minutes. What does a year mean to you? As I get older – and I don’t think I’m alone in this – the years seem to pass more quickly and everything can begin to feel a bit more…urgent.

The timing on this is not a coincidence as I approach my birthday in just a few days. I’m not a fan of my birthday, the same way I’m not a fan of New Year’s, or most holidays that remind me that a year has passed. These times are more bitter than sweet for me because I just can’t help but measure.

Measuring My Career and Accomplishments

Where am I compared to last year? And, certainly when it comes to my career – what have I accomplished since last year? If you can hear a judging voice, that’s me! 

BUT…in the notes on my editorial calendar for this week’s blog post, my brilliant admin Stefie reminds me: “Don’t take it too seriously, look at it as a celebration and not a day of reckoning, acknowledge how we punish ourselves…” This was me talking to her last month as we were preparing for February and I had the benefit of distance and perspective. ☺

Alright then…it’s true! I punish myself – but only sometimes. Do you? Do you feel with each passing birthday that you should be doing more or you could be doing better? Do you think of the career dream you used to have before life took over and wonder, “what if…?” I understand, because I used to do that too.

The Career I’d Been Dreaming Of

How did I stop? Ready? I made my career the dream I had been having. I decided in 2012 that I was going to take control and I wasn’t going to wait any longer. I was done waiting for “them” to grace me with the title I deserved, or the $$ I knew was fair. I was going to go out and get the job I knew I had earned. And I did. 

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Don’t get me wrong, it has been a very bumpy road from there. Since then, I’ve made my own choices and set my own course, and I’ve done so at significant risk and sacrifice for me and my family. But I am the driver!

And you know what feels great as this next birthday approaches? Knowing I’m pursuing my dream. I wake up most mornings and can’t wait to get to it – helping clients, meeting new people, writing blogs, and teaching – all the wonderful everything that I have created based on my dream – not someone else’s. I’m so grateful I decided to stop waiting around for it to happen.

So my question for you is “What’s happening with your dream?” Go ahead and grab it! Do something with it! Don’t wait another minute!

And, if you need help, or don’t know where to start, call me. Let’s talk. I’ve got some ideas for you!