It was just past 6 a.m. and I was in the middle of my meditation (yup, I’m one of those folks, and highly recommend it. But that’s another story…). With the sound of the garage door opening, I thought, “What the heck?” I knew my husband was still in bed. And, as of several weeks ago at least, our children are out on their own.

Take me to the Freebie

So who had opened the garage door and why? I peeked out the window which overlooks our driveway and saw a familiar 2002 Honda with circa 175K miles parked there like it had never left. Mystery solved. My youngest son bounded up the stairs, saw my look and said, “I’ve got to go to a meeting and all my dress shirts are here…” The only response I could muster was an eye-roll and “Shhh….your father’s still sleeping.”

Don’t Limit Your Interview Preparation to Answering Practice Questions

Turns out that, in his recent move, it didn’t occur to Ethan that a dress shirt might be a requirement in life after college. But, I give him credit. That morning he remembered that what he chose to wear to his meeting mattered (Read more about that here). The fact he moved within driving distance was a stroke of luck, too.

The fact is that most of us prepare for a big meeting, or an interview, by reviewing how we are going to handle ourselves. We spend time rehearsing key messages. We focus on learning about the people we’ll be meeting, and anticipating what questions we might be asked.

It’s often not until the 11th hour that we ask ourselves, “What am I going to wear?” And, just as important, “Is it clean?”

Your Appearance is a Critical Part of Interview Preparation

Seeing Ethan at his closet grabbing a dress shirt and a tie reminded me of times with my dad, who passed away several years ago.

My dad was quite the dapper guy. He alwayslooked polished and dressed appropriately for every occasion. He travelled a lot for business and some of my earliest memories are watching him pack. He’d pull the boxed, dry-cleaned shirts out of his dresser, count the days for each pair of socks, etc. Each shoe in its own felt bag. His toiletry case was always ready.

I picked up these same habits and they served me well for the 20 odd years I spent as a road warrior in my corporate career.

Here’s the thing: When you know you may have to jump on a plane tomorrow, you surely don’t want to go hamper diving to pack your suitcase! The same is true if you are job hunting. So, ask yourself this: If you get invited to an interview tomorrow, are you fully prepared?

Not sure? You’re not alone! That’s why I’ve put together this quick, one page “How Do I Look?” interview prep list.  It’s free 🙂  Just click below!

Click here for your
FREE “How Do I Look?” Interview Prep List