Does the mere mention of the term “networking” make you nauseous? Rhetorical question..of course it does.

Why would anyone look forward to approaching someone they don’t know and start asking them what seem like invasive questions?

Still, here’s the reality – the ability to make new connections and professionally leverage those you already have is a fundamental part of a good career strategy, whether or not you’re currently job hunting.

So instead of getting all worked up about the “burden” of networking, how about you sink yourself into some meaningful relationship management? When was the last time you reached out to your favorite colleague from an old job? How about that former boss who taught you so much?

The truth is you already have a “network.” You have relationships that can be refreshed and nourished. Let people know how you’re doing now, so it doesn’t seem like you’re reaching out to them only when you need something! Reach out and say “thank you,” or just let them know something reminded you of them.

I keep a “Call List,” and I make a point to once a week reach out to someone (sometimes it’s a call, sometimes a text or an email) I haven’t connected with in a while. I add people to the list all the time.

If you’re looking for something you can do right now for your career, do that. Make a list. Start reconnecting today.


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